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14 January 2024 (Sun), 14:00 World famous Bolshoi Ballet and Opera theatre (established 1776) - Marvellous Main (Historic) Stage - Opera Georges Bizet "Carmen" opera in 4 acts

Running time: 3 hours 10 minutes (till 17:10)

The performance has 1 intermission

Schedule for Georges Bizet "Carmen" opera in 4 acts 2022

Composer: Georges Bizet
Choirmaster producer: Valery Borisov
Light Designer: Damir Ismagilov
Artistic Director: Alexei Borodin
Chorus Master: Valery Borisov
Music Director: Tugan Sokhiev
Stage Director: Alexei Borodin

Opera company: Bolshoi Opera
Orchestra: Bolshoi Theatre Symphony Orchestra

Opera in 4 act

Performed in French with synchronised Russian supertitles

Premiere of this production: 15 July 2015, Bolshoi theatre, Moscow, Russia

No man can resist Carmen’s gypsy charms, but when she’s ready to move on, watch out! A riveting drama of love and jealousy, filled with famously alluring melodies and captivating dances, Carmen is one of the world’s most popular operas. With dazzling bursts of color, a thrilling production brings the sights and sounds of Seville to life, from the dusty town center to the clamor of the bullring. Bizet’s immortal score overflows with one delight after another, a music lover’s hit parade of opera’s most intoxicating melodies.

Libretto: Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halevy revised by Ernest Guiraud after the novel by Prosper Merimee


Act I
A bustling square in the city of Seville. Dragoon guards are watching over the crowd. Micaela comes in search of Don Jose whose mother is sending him a letter through her. As Jose is not to be found, Micaela leaves. Jose arrives with his company to relieve the guards. Female workers of the tobacco make their way from work through the square. Carmen the gypsy is among them. All the men are fascinated by her, but she refuses to love them back: she is drawn to the indifferent one, Don Jose. As she leaves, she throws at him a cassia flower. Micaela returns. She and Jose reminisce about their native land. When Micaela goes away, Jose reads his mother's letter. He is decided to do as she says and marry Micaela.
Suddenly the peace is disturbed: Carmen has started a quarrel with her fellow worker. Two fighting women are set apart, and Jose is to escort Carmen to jail. Carmen promises him her love if he helps her escape. Jose surrenders to her charm.

 Act II
Gypsy girls entertain the soldiers at Lillas Pastia's. Escamillo the toreador praises his dangerous trade, and is in his turn praised by the enrapt crowd. Escamillo is captivated by Carmen, but she is not interested in him.
The smugglers Dancaïre and Remendado arrive. They tempt Carmen and her friends, Frasquita and Mercedes, to assist them in a fat job. Carmen refuses: she is in love and awaits the soldier who was confined because of her. It is Jose, and he does not hesistate to keep their appointment once he is free. Carmen is happy to see him and eager to dance for him alone. A bugle call summons Jose back to the barracks. He intends to go, and Carmen annoyed with his obedience to command.
Suddenly Zuniga, Jose's senior, arrives at the inn. He goes after Carmen, but the smugglers interfere. Zuniga is overpowered, and Jose has to join the smugglers.

Smugglers' camp. Jose is jealous of his lover and ashamed of being a deserter.
Carmen reads the cards and is foretold death.
The smugglers, including Frasquita and Mercedes, are in for a job, and Carmen decides to join them to help cajole the customs officers.
Escamillo comes to the camp. He wants to see Carmen and declares his love for her. Jose is ready to kill his rival, but Carmen stops their combat. As he leaves, Escamillo invites everyone to a bullfight.
Micaela arrives. She was looking for Jose to inform him of his mother's mortal ilness. Jose has to go with her and leave Carmen.

Act IV
A square in front of an arena where a bullfight is about to start. Carmen and Escamillo arrive together, they are happily in love. Frasquita and Mercedes warn Carmen to beware of Jose, but Carmen is intrepid.
She stays behind the crowd and meets Jose face to face. Jose implores Carmen to go with him and love him again, but she is adamant: her heart belongs to another.
Desperate and enraged, Jose kills Carmen.

Schedule for Georges Bizet "Carmen" opera in 4 acts 2022

"Carmen" opera !premiere! Bolshoi Theatre
About This Video
2015 July, 15 "Carmen" opera by Georges Bizet staged by Alexei Borodin premiered on The Bolshoi Historical stage.

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