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27 January 2024 (Sat), 19:00 World famous Bolshoi Ballet and Opera theatre (established 1776) - Small Stage - Opera Le Nozze di Figaro

The performance has 1 intermission

Schedule for Le Nozze di Figaro 2022

Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Orchestra: Bolshoi Theatre Symphony Orchestra
Ballet company: Bolshoi Ballet

Opera in 2 act

Libretto - Lorenzo da Ponte,
after the comedy by Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Count Almaviva’s castle. Preparations to the wedding of Figaro and Susanna. Only the Count is not pleased with this wedding: he likes the young bride himself. He decided to prevent this marriage. Susanna tells her fianc? that Allmaviva is pestering her with suggestions. And Figaro is going to use all his cunning, all his resource-fullness and energy not to let his master playa trick with him. But he’s got not little enemies. Old Bartolo has not forgiven him the marriage of Almaviva yet. Marceline, a housekeeper wishes to marry him herself. Both of them count on Almaviva’s help.
Cherubino appears. The young page is in love with all women in the castle. He worships the Countess but now he is not averse to flirt with Susanna. Actually, Cherubino came to complain to Susanna about the Count, who has caught him at Barbarine’s and ordered him to leave the castle. An unrespectable visit of the Count makes him hide under an armchair. Almaviva entreats Susanna to pay his love with response. But these declarations of love are interrupted by somebody knocking the door. That is Basilio. He alludes to some kind of relationships between the Countess and Cherubino. The Count is furious of jealousy. That very moment he notices hidden Cherubino. He becomes enraged with him and orders to leave for his regiment immediately. Figaro tries to console Cherubino.
The Countess is upset with the indifference of her husband. She is hurt when Susanna tells her about his unfaithfulness. The lovers gained her sincere sympathy. And she accepts Figaro’s plan: to call the Count to the garden and to send him Cherubino dressed like a woman instead of Susanna. So, Susanna starts to array Cherubino. A sudden coming of the Count disturbs the preparations. The women hide the page in the next room. But the Count surprised by the confusion of his wife orders to unlock the door. The Countess refuses, trying to assure him that there is Susanna there. The suspicions of jealous Almaviva become stronger. He decides to break the door and goes to get some instruments.
Susanna lets Cherubino out through the window. When the Count is back he founds only Susanna laughing at his unfounded suspicions. He has to apologize for his wrongful jealousy.
Figaro runs in to communicate that all the guests have gathered. But the Count wants to wait for Marceline. She brings a suit against Figaro: he should pay her back an old debt or marry her. The wedding is suspended.
Marceline has won this case. The Count celebrates his victory. But suddenly it turns out that Figaro is an own son of Marceline and Bartolo, stolen by gypsies in his childhood. The parents moved with the meeting with their child decide to get married too. There are going to be two weddings instead of one.
But the Countess and Susanna still want to give a good lesson to the Count. The Countess is going to come to the evening rendezvous in Susanna’s dress. Susanna writes the Count a letter appointing the hour and the place of the meeting. Barbarine should pass it to Almaviva during the wedding.
Figaro is happy that his master is fooled. But Barbarine tells him, that Susanna wrote Almaviva a letter. And he starts to suspect her. In the darkness of the night garden he recognizes Susanna, but pretends to speak to the Countess. The Count leads his wife dressed in Susanna’s dress to the summerhouse. He didn’t recognize her. There he notices Figaro, making declaration of his love to the pretended Countess. The Count rouses everybody, he wants to blame his wife in unfaithfulness before all the guest’s eyes. But here she is the Countess in Susanna’s dress. She takes off the mask and the Count is obliged to beg her pardon.

Schedule for Le Nozze di Figaro 2022

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